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Just a stream of consciousness

19 Jan

While sitting at my desk trying not to fall asleep I came up with several topics id like to blog about…some would just be one post, others could form their own blog.

For one I want to write about my journey to running a marathon. Talk about how I train for it, what method I use, how I picked which marathon will be my first -destination marathon or close to home?- etc.
Another topic will be my next pregnancy. I should start that blog today because its my first day off of birth control. I’m nervous about getting pregnant with my hypothyroidism. That’s what the blog will be about…how to have a healthy pregnancy & baby while hypothyroid. Every week I will talk about how my own pregnancy is going but then also insert info and studies on hypothyroidism.

I also wanted to post about my guilty pleasure – Sixteen&Pregnant and Teen Mom2.  I love and hate these shows…mostly I wanted to talk about how I see a lot of things in the shows that pediatricians warn against, like putting a baby to bed with a bottle in their mouth, or microwaving a bottle…etc.

Another ongoing blog should be about extreme couponing. After getting inspired by the show I’m going to try my hand at the art. Except I’m determined to not let it take up too much of my time or consume my life. I just want to see how much money I can really save.

I also wanted to post about the women at my office who are jumping on the Weight Watchers bandwagon…but they sit there all day and talk about food. I want to yell at them to get off their butts and go for a walk!

That’s all I can remember for now…hopefully some of these ideas will become a reality soon. I just have to find the time to blog!!